To my dear friend Laurel, on the eve of your baby shower

Dear Laurel,
(or Auntie LoLo, as Reagan and many other kids affectionately call you)

I am so incredibly excited for you to embark on this crazy, wonderful journey of motherhood. I have been thinking for a while about what to tell you in your baby shower card, but since you asked for books instead of cards, I needed more room to write everything. So you get a whole blog post!

First, I am super excited for us to be moms together. Our kids will be besties, and we'll get to drink wine while they play and talk about CrossFit and life. Also, I am a little jealous of you and these moments you are living right now. Before I gave birth to my first child, I was terrified, and annoyed, and over being pregnant (I mean, I was over being pregnant at 38 weeks with my second child, but mostly because I just wanted to meet that new little muffin). Now, after having my second and last child, I miss those days. The days full of the unknown, the wondering and anticipating, and the magic. Yes, that sounds cheesy, but it is just truly magical to hold that tiny little muffin for the first time, and the next 100 times after that. I am so immensely excited for you to live that first moment. It is the absolute best. So soak up every single emotion and feeling so that you can treasure those moments forever. You deserve all of this happiness.

Second, you are going to be an AWESOME mom. Over the last few years, you have shown me what it is like to be a TRUE friend. You have been so selfless and generous. You have bought me and my children little gifts for no reason, other than you were thinking of us, you have surprised me with letters and stuffed animals to cheer me up after tough doctors appointments, you threw me a baby sprinkle and organized a meal train for after Riley was born, and you even had a stuffed giraffe made specially for us, from all the way across the ocean. I strive to be as good of a friend to you, and others, as you have been to me. And for this reason, my dear, you are going to be an AMAZING mom. Because what more could a child possibly need than selflessness, generosity, and knowing that they can always depend on their mom?! (Well, maybe a little patience and whiskey, but you'll figure that out).

Now, I also want to tell you that some days are hard. You know this, because you have been there for me on those days. You have taken my kids to a playground to let me vent, or to give me time with my husband on our anniversary. On those days when you need to vent, or cry, or nap, or just sit and watch Grey's Anatomy with a hot cup of tea, I will be there (unless Riley has hand foot mouth disease - in which case, I'll just keep that to ourselves)! Motherhood is hard, but it is absolutely worth it. This little monkey of yours is going to love you, and you will love him more than you knew was possible.

I hope you enjoyed this letter a la blog, as you are probably the only one reading. I mean, you are my number 1 (and currently only) supporter!

Love you lots and see you tomorrow!



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