Hi again... I'm back, and better than ever?

I used to blog about food, but I haven't been able to keep up with that ever since I got pregnant with my first daughter oh -- 3 and a half years ago. Why not, you ask? Well... I originally stopped blogging about food because the sight and smell of food made me nauseous during my first trimester. My husband gallantly started cooking all the food for us, especially when it came to touching raw chicken. I wanted nothing to do with raw chicken, let alone cooked chicken. Then, 40 weeks later, I had a baby. Little did I know, but there is no time for blogging when you have a baby (a fussy one, at that), a full-time job, and you're working on getting your MBA.

Fast forward 3 years, and now I have another daughter who is six months old, a 10-year-old (going on 17) step-daughter, a full-time job, and I'm STILL working on my MBA. However, I'm clearly neurotic because I want to start blogging again. Not about food, because I still don't have time for that (maybe when I'm 50), but about LIFE. This crazy, wonderful, stressful, beautiful life.

This blog idea originally started because I wanted to find a way to educate my baby girls about women. The struggles that women have gone through in the past with the hope of some day being equal to their male counterparts. To celebrate the amazing women who have chosen to be brave, to be kind, to be amazing, when everything in their lives told them to do the opposite. This is what I want for my girls. 

So... I'm hoping that writing about our crazy, wonderful life will somehow show my daughters (uh... when they're old enough to read), and any readers that I may pick up along the way, my perspective on life as a working mom who's trying to do the best job she can raising her daughters, and to do it with a little bit of sarcasm and humor along the way!

Happy Friday!


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