The kids can't be sick... I'm sick!!!

I tell everyone that the worst part about being a mom is being sick. But do you know what's even worse than that? Being sick while your kid, or kidsss, are sick! I mean, people joke about men not handling sickness very well, and getting all whiney and pitiful... but I actually think it's reversed in our house. I am MISERABLE when I get sick, and when my husband gets sick, he just pretends that he isn't, as if that will make it cease to exist. When I'm sick, I want to lay on the couch and binge watch This is Us, am I right?!

So this was my life two days ago...

I have a headache, body aches, and I just know that sickness is about to take over my body. I go to bed early to try and ward it off. But no. My three-year-old daughter, Reagan, busted through our bedroom door, scaring the living daylights out of me, at 10pm sounding like Darth Vader. Like legit, speaking as if she were Darth fricken Vader. She was perfectly fine when she went to bed at 8pm, but somehow, in the span of those two measly hours, this monster had crawled in her body and taken over. She had a fever of 101, could barely talk, was doing this weird cough/grunt thing, and was pitiful. And of course she refused to go back to her bed to sleep. So my husband, amazing as he is, laid on the couch with her until she felt better and finally got her back to sleep around midnight.

The next morning, I packed both girls up in the car, with their coats, and a cup of juice, and my echinacea pills, and hand sanitizer, and diapers, and their books, and stuffed animals, and god knows what else I threw in there that I may or may not have needed (I usually forget the car keys of course and have to run back in the house to find those), and off we went to the pediatrician.

My airbag sensors think all the crap in my passenger seat is a human.

I figured, ya know what, the baby has had a cold for about a week, I might as well have her checked out while we're here, and wouldn't ya know it, she had a double ear infection. I mean, I had NO IDEA that she had an ear infection. I felt horrible! My poor baby has probably felt awful this whole time. I just thought she was going through Leap 5 of the Wonderweeks and didn't want me to put her down for even a hot second because she loved me so much! (#fail)

Crying because she loves her mama so, or because of double ear infection?

Reagan, the one we went to the pediatrician for in the first place, however, was just diagnosed with a cold, and we were then sent on our merry way to try and survive this sickness together.

At this point, I'm close to tears, calling my husband saying that I just can't survive this. There is no way. HOW on earth am I supposed to take care of a whiney, pitiful child that REFUSES to nap when I can barely take care of myself!? Oh, and by the way, I have two proposals due that day that I was going to work on just as soon as I was done watching all the tv shows that I had DVR'd. I mean honestly, how can any one human handle all of this?

If you need me, I'll be hiding in the kitchen trying to down as many immune system support pills as I can before Reagan finds me. 


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