What did I just agree to?
My three year old talks like there is no tomorrow. In addition to this, she has major volume control issues. When I need to actually hear what she is saying (so that she doesn't start yelling at me when I don't immediately respond) she talks at the volume that I imagine a baby mouse would use. When she is sitting on my lap however, or in a library, or while the baby is sleeping on the other side of a single closed door, she feels the need to speak as though she is in a Broadway play and needs to project her voice to the tippety top of the balcony. So now that you have this picture in your head, image our morning drive to daycare. I'm rocking along to Pandora (a Sugarland song was on that I hadn't heard in forever). Reagan, however, was muttering something in the backseat that I could only imagine was a conversation with herself or her imaginary friend Coco (no idea what that's about). She was talking so quietly, in comparison to the radio, that I ignored her. She figured me out though. She KNEW that I was trying to listen to the radio and not her, and she would have none of that!
"MOMMY MOMMY MOMMMY! Why aren't you answering me?!"
"Oh, sorry hunnie. I didn't know you were talking to me. What did you say? I couldn't hear you."
She starts retelling the story/complaint/explanation of why she fell in the toilet yesterday. I don't know. I still wasn't listening. She rambled on for about 10 minutes. TEN! No story should last that long. Especially if it's told by a three year old. So I ignored her again. Only this time I said, "Oh... OK!" at the end of it, when she finally paused to take a breath. I tricked her! She didn't realize I was listening to my song instead of her.
My only thought though, after I patted myself on the back for successfully carrying out my plan, was what did I just agree to?! For all I know, she's going to tell me on Saturday that I need to go buy her an entire pie because I said "OK" when she asked about it in the car three days ago.
Reagan's face while trying to make her voice deeper |
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